Forest Management

Forest Management

Your online forest management solution

– Centralised visibility and communications

– Online forest mapping

– Manage forests with simple online tools

– Integrate with your existing platform

– Gain understanding to optimise log yield

Forest Land Management

– Create and manage your forest properties

– Easily map forest sub-compartments online

– Import data from your existing GIS software

Activity Scheduling

– Plan and organise forest activities by date

– Assign forest activities/tasks to other users

– Share documents and tasks

– Associate documents with forests and forest activities

– Manage and track felling licences, permits and grants

– Alerts and prompts issued when tasks fall due

Management and Reporting

– Manage forest properties and client database online

– Plan forest operations supported by latest mapping capabilities

– Create multiple operations within a forest, with tasks that can be planned and assigned to users

– Visualise and manage operations in progress within the forest

Documents and Forest Certification

– Online document management

– Online storage and sharing of documents required for certification

– Email documents directly from ForestHQ